Bank Preparation (RBB,ADBL,NBL,NRB)- Important Computer Theory Notes- Classification/Types of Computer


Classification/Types of Computer:

1) On the base of basic types

a) Analog Computer

o It is measure Physical value.

o It is measuring System.

o It handles the continuous physical Quantities

o Powerful in solving different equations.

o Use OP-AMP( operational amplifier ).

o Example: Temperature, Pressure, speedometer, thermometer.

2) Digital Computer

o It is counting system.(non-continuous).

o It handles the discrete logical quantities or signals.

o Accuracy is higher than analog computer due to precision value.

o Used for business and general application.

3) Hybrid Computer

o Combination of both analog and digital computer.

o The hybrid computer can transfer data from analog to digital to analog.

o Used for hospital, Jet plane, Industrial process controls.

2) On the Basic of size

a) Super Computer

o The fastest computer of the world.

o It is specially designed for massive parallel processing

o The speed of super computer is measure in FLOPS.

o FLOPS- Floating point operation per second

o Number crunching in super computer(It is also called the number cruncher)

o It performs complex numerical calculations.

o Number crunchers- The machines designed to perform numerical calculations at the highest speed.

o Used in intensive numerical analysis, weather forecasting, nuclear energy research, dynamic calculation, satellite communication (operation on space).

b) Mainframe computer

o Mainframe computer are very huge, very large and bulky computer.

o Mainframe computer system

o It is server/cabinet computer

o It has capabilities to support large number of terminals(thousands of)

o Generally used in centralized databases.

o It has input and output device only

o Uses in Transaction processing, Real time processing, Batch processing and

Management information system.

o The user access the mainframe computer via a terminal that may be a dumb terminal an intelligent terminal.

c) Minicomputer

o Minicomputer is digital computers, generally used in multi-user systems.

o Minicomputer can support 4-200 users simultaneously.(Hundred of terminal support)

o They are used for real time applications in industries, research centers, etc.

o The users can access the minicomputer through their PCs or terminal.

o PDA 11, IBM 8000 series are some of the widely used minicomputer.

d) Microcomputer

o Smallest type of computer, least expensive of all type.

o Known as personal computer

o Introduced by IBM.

o Low cost of development

o Arithmetic and control unite combined

o Uses by single person for single activity

o The first firm to mass market a microcomputer as a personal computer was RadioShack.

o The world's first laptop computer introduced in the market by Epson, 1981.

o Micro-computer is based in five categories :

Workstation, Desktop, Server, Laptop, Notebook

i) Desktop/Personal computer

 Used by business for word processing, spread sheeting & Physically Placed on desk.

 It is stand-alone machine that can be placed on the desk.

 It is not very expensive and is suited to the needs of single user at home, small business units, and organizations.

ii) Notebook computer or Laptop

 They are portable and have all the features of a desktop computer.

 The advantages of Laptop is that it is small in size can be put inside the briefcase, it can be carried anywhere, it has a battery backup and has all the functionality of the desktop.

 Laptops are costlier than the desktop machines.

iii) Tablet computer

 It has the features of the notebook but it can accept input from a stylus or a pen instead of the keyboard or mouse, it is a portable computer. Tablet computer are the new kind of PCs.

iv) Handheld Computer or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

 It is small computer that can be held on the top of the palm.

 Casio and Apple are some of the manufactures of PDA.

vi) Smart Phone

 It is cellular phones that function both as a phone and as a small PC.


o Higher processing speed than lowest category computer

o It provides- greater processing power, Better graphic display, and larger storage capacity.

o Used for- Computer Aid design, Multimedia application, simulation and visualization.

o Usually use UNIX based multiuser operating system.

Dumb Terminal:

 It is used only for data entry and storage and never for processing.

 It has Keyboard and Screen.

3) On the basic of brand


 IBM PC is a microcomputer produced by IBM Company. Dr.Herman Horierith established IBM in 1923.

 It is the leading the market of mainframe and PC’s.

 IBM American Company called big blue.

 Its old name is Computing Tabulating Recording Company.

b) IBM Compatible

 IBM compatible can use hardware and software designed for IBM PC. The internal architecture of IBM compatible is

similar to IBM PC. So they are called duplicate computers.

 Example Epson, Acer etc.

c) Apple/Macintosh

 Apple Corporation was established in 1970 in USA.

 The internal architecture of these computers is totally different form that of IBM.

 Therefore they need their own software.

4) On the basic of model

a) XT computer

 It is extra technology computer.

 It is old technology computers with much slower processing speed.

 Not more than 4.77 MHZ speed.

 It used 4 bits processor length.

b) AT computer

 Advance technology computer are the new technology computers.

 They are faster processing.

 More than 2 GHZ.

 Word length exceeds 64 bits.

c) PS2 computer

 It is refinement of AT computers.

 These models were built after 1990’s and mostly used in Laptop computer.

 Rechargeable and battery operational systems with faster flexible I/O devices are some important characterizes of these computer.

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